Friday 2 November 2012

Hi. Sorry I was late.

Imagination engineers.

That's what we hope of becoming. Engineers to imagination, engineering our imaginations, because imagination is the only thing left for us to survive our adulthood ( at least for me).

Oh no. We're neither an actual engineer. Well, we wish we are but we're not. We're just your two average girls from Kuantan.

Sorry, that was a mess-rambling. Sorry.
Wait, I thought that's the point of this blog?
Well then, sorry I'm not actually sorry. Pffsch.

Anyway, I believe that everybody in this world should grab their chance to-

-gosh Mama panggil suruh kunci pintu sat.

-okay back.

chances to...(I feel like this is going to a different direction than I first intended) improve themselves. Hence, this what we're doing. Grabbing our chance in becoming better writers, basically a better person in the whole. We're sorry to those Grammar Nazis out there if our grammar mistakes are....well, you know, unbearable or some'in.

Come on, hierarchy wise,even the teacher who taught us English in school is not as good as their teacher who taught them English before they start to teach us. As I said before, please cut us some slack.

If you're with me, than congrats. If you don't understand that, don't give up. Code is created to be broken.

And, quoting from Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts." So why don't you play your part and leave us comments and critics, just like a teacher would,so that we'll be better? Please, teacher slash actor?

Assalamuaalaikum and have a nice day y'all!

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